Pre candidates: There are two groups of Pre candidates. One group that has finished Intermediate and the other completed Class X. During this period a sister follows them, helped by the sisters of the community. They teach the principles of Christian living and offer knowledge about our Institute, catechism, English etc. Attention is paid to vocational motivation.
Candidates: During this period attention is given for a proper vocational discernment. They are helped in Christian and human formation and helped to strengthen the choice of Religious life that they have made.
Postulancy: After a five day retreat, the selected candidates are initiated into Postulancy which usually lasts for a year. They are sent in small groups to selected communities. The Superior is directly responsible for them at this time. At the end of the Community experience, the Postulants are brought together for four months under the guidance of a Formator for an immediate and intense preparation before the initiation to the Novitiate. They then enter the Novitiate. The discernment of their vocation continues at this stage.
Novitiate: The postulant now enters into a much more serious stage of formation. According to St. Bartolomea, the Novitiate has to take for its model the hidden life of Jesus. The whole programme in the Novitiate is oriented towards the principle scope of formation to the identity of a Sister of Charity. The Novices are helped to discover the action of the Holy Spirit, cherish the gift of vocation and become authentic Sisters of Charity, imbibing the true spirit of the Institute, forming convictions, deep personal experience of God and live conformed to the image of Jesus the Redeemer, to continue among men His merciful love. They then make their Temporary Profession.
Temporary Profession: According to Cs. 81 during the period of Temporary Profession, the sisters normally live in an apostolic community under the direct responsibility of the Superior.
Final Commitment: At the end of the temporary profession, the sister applies to do her Perpetual Profession. After four months of Tertian ship, the sister makes her Final Commitment to the Lord.